Hypnosis 1
Hypnosis polarises people. Most are gobsmacked by its effects, others think it's all trickery. Others think the effects are real but result from deep-seated needs people have to obey authority, in this case the authority of the hypnotist. Having dabbled in this a bit in recent years, and read Milton Erickson's extensive writings based on his research in the area (Erickson is deemed probably the greatest ever hypnotist, but was also a serious researcher), it seems to me that hypnosis is absolutely real, but is also at the same time not what others say it is. Including Erickson. But another day for that. Here's a way you can 'hypnotise' yourself very quickly. We'll start with what's normally considered an advanced example of the art, just to show that this is all a lot easier than is sometimes made out. No staring into the eyes, swinging watches, not even any of Erickson's delightful verbal trickery. One of the hypnotic show-stoppers is arm levitation, hav...