There is No Such Thing as Technology. The iPad. Part 1.

The new iPad. Just like something else, or something new? Apple has put the cat amongst the technology pigeons again with its new iPad. There are diehards for and against everything Apple does. Most technology writers and the majority of IT professionals tend to take the view that Apple produce expensive trinkets, when there are much cheaper and more feature-rich options available. I think they miss the point completely. Apple understands technology better than any of the other consumer electronics companies. And much better than most IT professionals. The IT industry in general is pretty immature in its outlook, although not in its size. It has taken a long time to get to grips with being a mass-level consumer industry, rather than a specialised cosy group of widget boffins. It's clear that it still has some way to go. What Apple basically understands is that there is no such thing as technology . Sounds a bit bizarre, but technology isn't (or shouldn't be) a noun. It...